Saturday, February 21, 2009

date night

SO, the mister and i got to have a date night.... can you guess who tagged along because A. he has a tooth FINALLY coming in causing him to constantly scream for minutes on end and B. he threw up all his lunch and therefore couldn't chance it with a sitter? yeah, and i'm not sure i like how he's looking in this "oh geez do i REALLY need to hang out with you? you're embarrassing me!"
but the mister and i proceeded to have a laugh and enjoy ourselves at the lamest (but awesome mocking) of lamest places for a married couple of 9 1/2 years to go....the mall. i haven't been to the mall with the mister (or anywhere with him actually) since i don't know when.
spending 3 hours at the mall on a friday night brought me some insight. this is what i learned...

-the mall turns ghetto after dark on the weekend
-that if you say out loud "hey, there's the whore store!" the girls in front of you will inevitably go in that store and turn around and give you the evil eye.
- there are still way more hooker heel shoes than mommy heel shoes out there in the universe.
- mocking people is still just as much fun as it ever was
- it may or may not be appropriate for the petite sophisticate to be placed right next to the lane bryant store. i personally find this hilarious!
- mall food still is over priced and crappy
-stores will do anything to get you to buy something... i bought awesome pants for wesley at $2.50!
-you will still end up finding a bajillion cute clothes for your children and NONE for yourself
-it is still awesome hanging out with the mister no matter where we are!

our next goal? to have the above pictures be kid free... hmm, we'll see.