Saturday, February 21, 2009

guess what...

SO, we found out that we might be leaving for korea... or, rather the mister is leaving and whether the kids and i are going is up in the air. i have very mixed feelings about this. the mister and i always knew that he would go to korea at some time or another and if i had the choice, i would want him there than certain other places (if you know what i mean). but to go as a family? well, i'm just not so sure. so, i've written out a pros and con list. feel free to share any other thoughts if you think i've left something out. here it goes...

  1. maybe my kids will learn some work ethic
  2. my kids could realize how good they have it once they see kids their age and younger working out in the rice patties
  3. my kids could become better friends and learn to rely on each other before they make some friends and ruin it.
  4. we will learn a completely different culture and lifestyle
  5. i can enjoy some quietness away from a busy city
  6. each of my kids will have their own room, removing any chance of fighting
  7. it would help with my television addiction

  1. i'm not a fan of korean food
  2. i'm afraid i'll feel completely alien and isolated
  3. we'll be far far away from ailing family members
  4. we will not EVER be able to come and visit friends and family
  5. i will desperately miss my organic markets
  6. i will DIE without my television ( i have no shame, i LOVE my tv and am addicted)
  7. am afraid most of my family will be emaciated from seeing foods contain eyes, chicken feet, all sorts of organs etc. (not that their is anything wrong with that. if you've lived with that all your life, your fine. we haven't, so i'm not fine.)
  8. we will be stuck living on military base housing
  9. more importantly, i'll be surrounded by ARMY WIVES (i shudder at the thought)

please give me some thoughts and ideas. what should we do? what would you do?