i have officially banned the mister from driving to work
FOREVER. in the few short months (3) that he has had to drive because of some incompetent fools that he works for, he has received 4 letters in the mail from the city. let me tell you, he's sure felt privileged and well liked with them sending a picture of him and all, but the money being owed, well that's the part i'm not too keen on. $100 a pop is a bit expensive i'd say for a grainy picture of my husband and our van driving down the street. i mean he's not even smiling in it for heaven's sake! so to avoid any more money being poured into the toilet instead of being used for things like, let's say food or utilities, i'm refusing the use of our van for work duties. i don't think that's unreasonable. do you? there are far worse things in life then getting your children up at 4am to drive your husband to work, right? right??
P.S. i would almost feel better about the whole thing if my husband was really letting my 17 month old son drive our car. instead of a 33 year old man knowing better....