SO, since childhood i've suffered from migraine and cluster headaches. when i was in my teens i would get them at LEAST one to two times a week. with migraines, i can handle them just barely but with cluster headaches, i absolutely lose it. the only way to get rid of one is with sleep and time. since being married i've been pretty lucky to avoid cluster headaches. sure i get migraines every couple months, but with some pain killers and rest i can usually get them to go away. this morning though, my luck broke. i awoke with a massive cluster headache. the mister had stayed the night at a friends for a card tournament he was going to today so i was all alone with the kids. i was at least able to get out of bed, get the kids breakfast, ate some breakfast myself (which i violently vomited shortly after eating) and laid on the couch before making my way upstairs to lay in bed only to get out of it every few minutes to get wesley out of drawers, books and videos. by one o'clock i had crawled downstairs in tears to take some more pain medicine and then lay in a fetal position crying hysterically on the couch. i guess there is nothing more frightening to children than their mother banging her head and crying uncontrollably. and it's even more depressing to know that i am so socially inept that i couldn't think of anyone i could call to come and help me. everyone i knew i've already bothered over and over again and i just couldn't bring myself to burden someone again. i finally broke down and called the mister whimpering that he needed to come home and asked my neighbors daughter to come over and watch my kids so that i could at least sleep for an hour.
it is now 11pm and i'm just starting to feel better. although, my head is at the tipping point where it can either be pain free or have the headache come back. sigh. i PRAY and PRAY it goes pain free. i don't think i can handle another day of this. oh, and i need to be more outgoing and friendly and do loads of service for everyone i know and hang out with all sorts of people at all sorts of times so that people will like me. that way if i ever have another case like this, i will have a wide range of people to come and help...
SO, what can i do for you?