SO, i love movies. i enjoy sitting down and relaxing with a good movie. i'll watch anything. er, okay not
anything. i won't watch horror, many action and i certainly won't watch porn. but anything else i'll watch. i usually just don't have the time to watch them, and since my netflix queue is over 150 now dating back to 2007, i feel i'm facing an uphill battle. now, i realize that movies really don't
need to have a high priority but for some reason i feel the need to start moving through this queue more quickly. thus, my challenge is to watch two movies a week. more if possible. with every movie i watch, i am going to write a review. lucky you, right? right? oh, well. i just want to keep a record of it. i'm weird like that.
(i also write down what we have for dinner every night. no joke. you could look back five years on my old calendars and see what we had for dinner. don't ask why i do it. i have NO idea.) so, this post you'll get three reviews since i was lucky enough to watch two movies yesterday and one i watched a couple weeks back but has still haunted me....
i watched this movie a couple weeks (maybe months?) ago and i still think about it often. this was an incredible movie. so much better than i thought it would be. i must forewarn anyone who might consider watching this movie... there is a rather explicit sex scene near the beginning of the movie. (hello, ewan mcgreggor is in it. what do you expect?) most of the time, this is when i categorize the movie into the crap pile, but with this movie it is a pivotal part of the movie. while i wish that it didn't have to be so graphic (and it didn't need to be), it is the "start" of all the trauma. (yeah, i know i said i won't watch porn so do you think less of me now?) anyway, after a mother loses her family in a terrorist attack she goes on a long thought provoking journey trying to deal with the loss of her son and husband. there are also some pretty disturbing twists within the plot and the ending left me feeling like my heart had been through the ringer,
and had hope for mankind. i really don't know what it was about this movie. the fact that she didn't seek revenge, that she has a loving kindness in her or the fact that she finds a way to come to terms with her situation, albeit in a very different way. the mister found it good as well. i would own it if it didn't have the above mentioned graphic scene....
i had high hopes for this movie... they were crushed. why? because for an hour and a half NOTHING HAPPENS. really. nothing. i could tell you in six short sentences what happens in the 90 MINUTES of it.
1. homeless girl gets arrested for shoplifting.
2. homeless girl loses her dog.
3. homeless girl spends the rest of the movie looking for dog.
4. homeless girl finally finds her dog with new non-homeless owners.
5. homeless girl decides (tearfully mind you) to leave dog with non-homeless owner because, you know they can feed the animal and all.
6. homeless girl hitches a train to alaska to find work.
THE END. stupid waste of my time.
this was the movie i was most worried to see. i have been wanting to see it since it came out, and then all the buzz came out about how wonderful it was. that's usually when i know it's going to be a crappy movie. uh, twilight anyone? but anyway, the mister and i sat down and watched it last night. it
was a wonderful movie. even if brad pitt looks absolutely creepy most of the time. the ageing effects were amazing and i enjoyed the story. it is worth seeing...
okay, now is the time for you to spill any good movies you think are worth seeing. i'm all for it. even if it takes me several years before i watch it. so tell me. as long as it isn't twilight or gone with the wind, i'll give it a go!