Can you believe it? two movies in two days? i sure can't. it can only mean one thing. it's thanksgiving time. my best friend and i watched it this evening and found it terribly funny. i really thought it would be a lot cruder but it actually wasn't. i don't remember many bad language and zac efron did a really good job being a paternal figure to his peers. i think i found it more funny then my bestie did since it's really not her type of movie, but that's fine by me. it WAS funny. i just have to say though, this movie is totally fantastical and the story is highly silly and unrealistic. (i mean, you would have to know that going into it right?) so, with that said and enjoying it for what it is, it's a really sweet story about a man who forgets just how important family is. and how can you not like a movie about that?