the mister had to work today, but he has a job that has taken care of us. THANKYOU
my best friend came to visit us, the kids adore her and she puts up with our boring life. THANKYOU
made a whole turkey for the first time this year. and it turned out great! THANKYOU
all the rest of the food was fabulous and i over ate yet again,
but we had the means to provide it. THANKYOU
my best friend was kind enough to do up my girls hair all adorable. THANKYOU
elise and michelle let me take pictures of them again this year. THANKYOU
watched two movies in one day with minimal interruptions. THANKYOU
had a nice bath with a quiet house. unheard of! THANKYOU
was able to give my hubby a hug and kiss because he is in the states and not deployed. THANKYOU
i hope that your thanksgiving was a wonderful event full of love, laughter, family and friends!