i remember when i was 11 years old going to a wedding and seeing the above picture on display in the hallway. my young heart did a flutter that i had never felt before. right then and there i wanted to be in that moment watching this couple in love while the rest of the world was busy rushing by. (it was even more surreal when i actually was able to stand in the very spot as that kissing couple. talk about remarkable!) i was determined to find out about this picture, who took it and so on. through out the rest of my teen years i studied this man, collected his pictures and day dreamed of being as inspirational has he was to me (and about a million others around the world).
i didn't become inspirational which was my path to follow, but i still adore studying his pictures. i have a collection of them on my bedroom walls that i love to fall asleep to. in a strange way they are my babies. i feel a connection with the people in them. i often make up stories of their lives, what they were doing, how they were feeling. there's something so grand as taking a picture of someone for generations to see. (i love finding old pictures at garage sales. as strange as it seems to be selling random family pictures, i love the mysteriousness of them) it makes me glad that i can try my hardest to see the beautiful in the everyday. whether good or bad, stressful or relaxed there is something pleasurable to be sought. i do love that. it would be wonderful if i could capture a little bit of that in a picture, like if i could permanently have a camera on me at all times. but most times my memory is my camera. i should start being more diligent in my picture taking. starting tomorrow.