i've brainwashed my kids (as my best friend calls it) into thinking that doughnuts are the devil and the only time i allow them to eat satan's sweet is when we are on vacation. elise usually gets a doughnut from the hotel breakfast buffet, takes one bite, declares it disgusting and gives the rest to her daddy to finish off. michelle on the other hand had never had a doughnut.
the other day, michelle was out with a friend and her mom was taking them to dunkin' doughnuts for a treat. michelle went on and on about how she couldn't have doughnuts because they make you sick and aren't good for you. needless to say, she didn't have one and probably made her friend and mom feel uncomfortable. i really must work on this whole being tactful thing. so, it seemed pretty ironic that while we were at the store and the samples were doughnut holes for michelle to cautiously look at me and ask to eat one. i told her if she wanted to try it she could. she carefully took one and took the teeniest bite. her eyes got REALLY big and she declared "mommy, these don't taste bad!" then she shoved the rest of the hole in her mouth. after she finished she asked "why can't we eat those because they are SOOOO good?" i explained that she could have one just every once in a while. it's not something we should or need to eat everyday or even every other day. once i said that and she thought about it carefully for a minute she quickly said " can i have another sample doughnut then?" hmmmmm. what did i start?
p.s. we took the kids to play at the mcdonald's play ground since it was pouring rain the other night. seems all the parents thought about doing to the same thing. michelle climbed up to the very top of the jungle gym and then yelled at the top of her lungs down to the mister "daddy! we don't eat mcdonald's do we because it makes you unhealthy!" all the parents who were eating mcdonald's turned and looked right at the mister. oops.