Thursday, January 21, 2010

better late than never, right?

SO, this is late in posting but i figure it's just never to late when it's a letter from elise :)
this was the letter elise wrote to santa. get ready for some serious guilt tripping....

december 24,2009

dear santa,
i hope you come to my house. you probably won't because me and my sister have been bad this year. i know you would think i would lie about it. well, i'm not that much of a lier anymore. please write back.


p.s. if you don't give me any presents, i understand why.

yeah, yeah, yeah. good one elise. i think she secretly knows that it's the mister and i who are santa and she's just trying to make us feel bad. yeah, well whatever. she got presents anyway.

i know some of you have already heard this, but i'm posting it here for journal purposes...

michelle's quotes for today:

one: while we were watching t.v. a proactive commercial came on. she turned to me and very seriously said "you need to use that." gee, thanks.

two: "i'm never going to have a baby. i want to stay a little girl FOREVER!" when i asked her why she said "because NOTHING should EVER come out of your crotch except for pee."

i love that kid....

now on to the yummies. i realized this afternoon that i haven't left my house in three days. THREE. that makes me happy and pathetic all rolled into one.

cranberry/white chocolate scones (inspired by the BGW)

different recipe for vanilla bean scones

and of course the aforementioned cookies...

i always forget just how much i love to cook and bake until i have the time to get in the kitchen and start messing around with things. it's been a nice three days of not going anywhere and mulling around. too bad that the daily grind starts back tomorrow. bring it on. i need to start burning off all these calories i've consumed these past three days anyway....