Sunday, January 24, 2010

goodbye...sniff, sniff

SO, today my heart was ripped out of my chest. yeah, yeah i know i'm being dramatic but today i watched my beloved desk get thrown away. i have owned this desk since i was two years old. it has seen many a journal entry, homework study, coloring, painting and craft projects. i have used this desk and nothing else until i had elise. then i moved it into her room when she was born. (it's part of a set. it came with a dresser and a head board.) and in the eight short years that she has been alive she has managed to destroy it. it has fallen apart and been repaired more times that today i realized i'm beating a dead horse. thus, it has been thrown away. i don't know why i've become so attached to it, maybe because it's all i've ever used but it was hard to see it out by the trash cans. it's seen a good 30 years, i really shouldn't cry. elise can't help it that she destroys things. seriously. everything she touches gets destroyed. i really don't think she can help it either. she's kinda like the firestarter...she didn't mean to burn that house down. but anyway, good bye loved desk. i'll miss you.