Wednesday, January 6, 2010

movie review...

SO, let me first start off by saying that i FINALLY had a date with my husband. after months and months and months and (well you get the point), of tag teaming the stars aligned and it happened. the other miracle was that we were able to see a movie... in a cinema, with a NEW movie. pigs are flying outside my window as we speak. i was really hoping i would like this movie and for the most part i did. it wasn't as funny or clever as i wanted but i LOVE LOVE LOVE me some hugh grant and that alone was enough for me to get through the extremely slow, awkward parts. oh, and don't ask me about the ending because it was just plain old dumb. really. just dumb. in my humble opinion (and believe me, it's humble) i'd wait to watch this when you can rent it for a buck.