Sunday, January 3, 2010

MY challenge for the year...

SO, i try to be as healthy as possible. it's just my mission in life. i've eliminated HFCS, minimized processed foods, refuse to eat fast foods and tried to avoid BPA as much as possible. that was until i found out that canned food has BPA in the lining. as much if not more in some cases as the plastics that i was so carefully avoiding. sigh. this sucks. A. LOT. (if you want to read one of the gazillion articles i've found about this problem, go {HERE})
because of this finding, i've been researching new and improved ways to avoid the chemical. my only conclusion has come to not purchasing canned food. that is to say, i can only buy things in glass, cardboard, frozen, fresh or dried. bummer. that puts a serious wrench in the whole food store idea. but i have found a reasonably priced pressure cooker and dehydrator on line that i am going to purchase when we get our tax refund that i can use to jar my own soups, veggies, fruit, beans etc. and for the rest of the year my goal will be to not buy or consume anything from a can. believe me, this is going to be a challenge. i mean, i already made a lot of things from scratch but i would use canned items to put into the homemade things and on last minute meals i would open a can of soup or all stars for the kids. now i'll have to find homemade recipes to make and jar them for my food storage. recipes like spagehtti-O's and baked beans, which i've been lucky enough to find. i even found an easy recipe for homemade nutrigrain bars i'm excited to try. this will certainly be an interesting year! oh, and i'll also post any and all awesome recipes that i find if any of you are willing to make something from scratch and avoid the horrible BPA as well. wish me luck!