Friday, January 29, 2010

the one and only thing i LOVE about winter....

no, i'm not joking. tax season is absolutely the one and only time that being dirt poor ROCKS. (okay, "rocks" is probably the wrong word) this year is no different. the mister and i went in to get ours done today and the whole time we were waiting i prayed and prayed and prayed for a miracle. every year we magically get enough money back to pay off any debt we had accumulated throughout the year but, this year we had more than usual from elise's dental work. i was pretty worried that we wouldn't get enough back and i was hoping for just enough to break us even. that's all i wanted. apparently Heavenly Father thought otherwise because what we got back was a huge freaking substantial amount. like almost twice as much as what i was hoping for. what blessings. i'm so surprised but above all i'm humbled and grateful . Heavenly Father sure knows what we need and listens to prayers. you just have no idea. this is why i'm sooooo grateful.
-we can pay off our credit cards.
-i don't have to go out and get another job to help pay off dental bills
-i have enough money for the large pressure cooker i need to can my own food
-i also have enough money for the dehydrator i've been wanting
-i can finally get the food storage buckets i've been needing for my flour and rice
-i'm on my way to organizational food storage heaven!
-we can go on a proper holiday. not to colonial williamsburg like we originally planned. but to the happiest place on earth. disneyworld. military discounts and off season prices are the best! and we will pay all in cash.
-did i mention no debt and freaking fabulous holiday?
-thank you thank you thank you.