Tuesday, February 2, 2010

updates on my CRAZY son...

SO, my son has been doing some crazy/funny things lately. here are just a few....

1. wesley loves ice. he demands it several times a day. so when it snows wesley is in pure heaven. he sits by the window and repeats "snow. snow. snow." not that he wants to play in it, but eat it. just on saturday while the snow was falling, elise went out three times in a half hour to get wesley cups of snow. nothing else is in the cup except snow and he is soooo in love.

2. wesley's favorite word of late is awesome. he says it every chance he can get. some sentences he's said recently are...
wesley: bum! bum!
michelle: yes wesley, that's my bum.
wesley: AWESOME!

wesley: boots. boots.
the mister: yep, we're getting on our boots.
wesley: AWESOME!

me: let's eat.
wesley: AWESOME!

and on and on...

3. wesley's new found joy is climbing. everything. if he wants to climb it, he will find a way to do it. he's really into pushing the kitchen chairs up to the counter and climbing up onto it. it's driving my mad. just last night the mister couldn't find wesley but he did find the kitchen chair pushed up to the bread bin. it had been opened and the bread was missing. the mister later found him hiding under a blanket behind the living room chair giggling. he had managed to gnaw through the bread bag and was eating the bread inside. he thought it was hilarious. dude, you are not a mouse alright? alright.