Saturday, February 6, 2010

snowpocalypes 2010!

SO, in the nearly five years we have lived here i have never seen this amount of snow. this is just plain crazy. the snow is above my waist. ABOVE MY WAIST. total and utter yuck. because of this we are stranded in our home. the mister thought it would be a good idea to play with the kids outside in the snow last night and while they did have a good time, wesley was then up for about five hours in the middle of the night vomiting, then dry heaving with a fever. now it seems elise's down with a fever as well. michelle is the only one holding out. i hope she holds out!
so, being stuck inside only means one thing... baking. lots and lots of baking. my goal for this weekend is to make orange scones, homemade shortbread and homemade vanilla icecream. i also want to go through some pictures from my high school days to post on facebook and then watch movies. i don't think we have ever all been together stuck in a house before for more than a couple hours. we've already had some massive melt downs, two washing the mouth out with soap (on the same child) and a scratched brand new dvd. sigh. man oh man, disneyworld certainly can't come quick enough. hope all of you are surviving the snowpocalypses as well. good luck!