Monday, March 22, 2010

why yes. yes, i've been avoiding you....

well, not you personally but the computer. the internet. i've just not been interested in getting on. i have emails that i need to write and i just don't want to write them.
the weather has been beautiful with spring in the air and it's been nourishing. i've been trying to spend more time with my kids. it's driving to the brink of madness but their acting out less. we've had picnics...
and we've been learning about how our bodies and homes are like the temples. we made posters yesterday to remind us and hung them up in some rooms. it's amazing how a little teaching of gospel principals can help change actions.

i finally got my van into the shop for them to remove that pesky owl head. yeah, it's STILL in there. so so so so so gross. in exchange they gave me a chevy impala. it's like a clown car for my family. we just keep coming out of this tiny car. sigh. once you get a mini van, you really can't go back.

i've also been stressed out about having to have my mouth reconstructed. like every tooth needs to be replaced with a dental crown. the price of this is pretty much the price of a car. geez. we have NOT been lucky in the way of dental work these past few years. on the up side, the prospect of having a beautiful, white, straight smile for the first time in my life is pretty exciting. can you imagine? me, with a fabulous smile? uh, yes. yes, i want that.

my life has been pretty quiet of late. i'm so not complaining on that. it's wonderful actually. so, there may be few posts for a while. i guess that will give me time to catch up with everyone else. seems like you have all been busy.... :)