Tuesday, April 6, 2010

goodbye little girl....

SO, let me just say one thing.....

ah yeah, ah yeah!

alright, back to my post.

i registered michelle for kindergarten today. sniff sniff. i just can't believe my baby girl is going to be 5 and going to the "big kid" school. i know she is so excited and believe me i'm going to throw the biggest party when both of my girls are going to the same school and that they can walk and i can FINALLY be lazy and not have to drive anywhere but i'm also a bit sad. there's no turning back now. she's moving on and growing up. there's no more hanging out in the afternoons just her and me. no more going to lunch during the week. this new beginning of full time school is strange, exciting and always a bit heart wrenching. it's so hard for me to deal with time. so many days i want to pass by as fast as possible so that i don't lose it, and other days i wish would last double time so that i could just be with my kids at that age for a bit longer. i wish i could find my happy medium. i know i will in time. which is ironic because by that time, my kids will have grown and probably have kids of their own. such is life i suppose. but for now, i'll take the summer with my little girl and savor every minute. (hopefully)