Wednesday, April 7, 2010

there's been a heat wave. so yeah, of course some HOT tea sounds just great!

SO, it seems we've hit a record here. this past week has been the HOTTEST it's ever been at this time of year. what happened to my spring? i was so looking forward to this time of year and now it feels we've turned into arizona. drats.
before all this heat stuff happened, my best friend and i made reservations for the {willard hotel's} high tea. this week they are celebrating any and all things cherry in honor of the cherry blossom festival. the bestie is the only one that i know who could appreciate a high tea like i do. i used to just love the high teas in england. there is something so ridiculously special about it. i went out and bought a great {outfit} to {wear} and had everything all planned. then this heat wave came. now i can't wear my outfit or else i might die of heat stroke and thinking about drinking hot tea makes my sweat glands cringe. so i changed my outfit, brought my jacket just in case and met up with my dear friend. we took the metro in and had a nice walk to the hotel. let me say, this was the most fun i've had on a wednesday afternoon in i don't know how long. the foods were! and the teas were yummy. i had vanilla bean and the bestie tried the cherry tea. so delicious. thankfully, the willard stays on top of things and made peacock alley freezing cold so that i could wear my lovely jacket anyway! after having a leisurely high tea, we made our way back on the rush hour metro and found ourselves in {old town alexandria}. i love going there and sitting by the docks. my best friend and i had a great conversation ranging from childhood memories to our future dreams. there is nothing like having someone you can tell everything too without a shred of embarrassment. total honesty and no judgment. that is so hard find. i finally had to leave and head for home well after the sun had set and cool weather came out. sigh. i hope i can have more days like this this summer. they are much needed and so good for the soul!

this is the most important picture

the bestie and i with our heads cut off.
that's what you get for asking a stranger
to take your photo

and this is the bestie and i with me blinking.
thanks for taking our picture lady.
i guess.