Tuesday, February 8, 2011

life lessons we appartently NEVER learn

SO, new blogger sucks when it comes to pictures.  SUUUUUCCCCKKKKKSSSSS!  

anyway, about a month ago we once again got the brilliant idea that it would be fun to get a bird. we went to the store bought two finches and brought them home.  they were great.  they chirped, flew around, they were pretty.

and then one of them didn't look so hot.   as in, looking kinda sick.  i did some research online and all that i found suggested that it was molting.  it is molting season after all in the finch world.  fine.  i left the bird alone. and they continued to chirp, fly around and look pretty.

until one saturday morning, michelle woke me with the news that the bird was on the bottom of the cage hardly moving.  "great", i thought.  i checked and indeed the poor bird was on the ground barely moving. after making a call to the pet store, they advised me to bring it in for the vet to look at.  i knew something was terribly wrong when i went to get it and the bird didn't even move.  yeah, this bird was going to die.

and it did.  right in the middle of us driving to the vet.  the smell of death is just gross.  

when i got to the pet store, i had two crying girls and a son who just wanted to see the snakes.  as i turned over my dead bird i was able to talk with the "bird whisperer."  this is what i told her the man who sold us the birds said to do:

-finches are social birds so keep them in a room where you usually reside.
-they like sunshine so put them by a window
-the finches we got were males so no nests were needed.

after the bird whisperer saw my bird this is what she told me:

-finches should never be put by a window, especially in winter because they catch drafts easily.
-i had female finches and they indeed need nests
-the bird that died had an egg it couldn't lay (because of no nest) and the egg burst inside killing her.

that was it.  i went home, got the other finch and got all my money back.  i then lectured my children about how they should just be lucky i haven't killed them yet and to never ever ask for another animal again.  seriously.  EVER.  

we are now {TWO} for two.  we are animal murderers.

                                              the dead bird.