SO, this year was our trip to williamsburg. the drive down was filled with insane traffic. bumper to bumper nearly all the way. that's what i get for leaving on a friday afternoon. once again the hotel was amazing. i love going on vacation this time of year because we can stay in crazy nice places for a quarter of the price. we stayed in a two bed/two bath condo with a deck for a wonderful $89 a night. i didn't realize just how much stuff the resort had to offer. if i would have known, i would have tried to stay longer. it had miniature golfing, volleyball, an indoor swimming pool, hiking trails, horseshoes, board games and on and on. everything was included. no paying extra. the kids just loved being in a different condo to trash. and they did in record time.
saturday was colonial williamsburg. we arrived at 8:45am and didn't get home until 7pm. the actual area is amazing and i loved all the history but it certainly is not child friendly. i guess i should say toddler/young child friendly. poor elise wanted to go on all the tours but they lasted up to an hour and wesley and michelle couldn't handle it. i was an idiot and didn't bring a stroller for the trip and knowing how wesley is about walking made for a lot of fits and a lot of carrying. most of our day was spent taking the tour bus around and climbing trees. we were able to take in a demonstration on how sheeps wool becomes thread. everyone was impressed by that. i wished we were able to see more.
i didn't want to go back to colonial williamsburg after not being able to do much saturday, so we made our way to the virgina living museum. that was the best plan. the place is a zoo, aquarium and planetarium. all of it specific to virgina. the animals, sea life and replicas of the cave systems all native to virginia. we had fun seeing all sorts of animals and touching see life. looking at the sun through a telescope and researching caves. the place is dang expensive, but so worth it.
sunday night allowed us to relax at the condo, do some swimming and for me laundry. there is nothing better than coming home from a trip with a suitcase full of clean clothes. thank you very much condo for having a en suit washer/dryer.
monday we were sad to go. the trip was so quick and i just wished for a couple more days of playing. luckily driving back was quick and easy and unfortunately home to return on the hamster wheel.