Monday, October 15, 2012

BIRTHDAY PARTY... (only about two months late)

SO, michelle finally had a birthday party.  who cares that her birthday was in august.  i was gone in august.  then my best friend came to visit.  then i just didn't feel like having a bunch of girls running around my house.  

then i finally gave in.

to a girly girl birthday party.  

i will say that i am finally at the point in my mothering life where my kids are pretty self sufficient.  whether they like that or not.  this made for a much more relaxing birthday party (for me) since i left most of it up to michelle and elise to do.  all i did was supply the nail polish and lip gloss.  the rest was up to them.  and luckily for me, things went swimmingly.  hooray to responsible (sorta) children!  

now on to the evidence that there really was a party...