Sunday, October 21, 2012


SO, i've been having some really crappy days lately.  the {SAD} came like a ton of bricks burying me in a mess of tears.  i HATE crying too which makes me all the more {SAD.}

it's mostly my fault this time.  i was prepared last year with an arsenal of remedies for when i was low.  this time, i just didn't prepare and it has hit me hard.  

now getting myself out of this funk has been nothing short of ridiculous.  i just can't get myself out of it.  working has helped tremendously because it's something i love to do, but the clients have all but dried up with the cold weather hitting.  so now i'm back to days of drudgery. days of educating myself on how to become a better photographer, cleaning (which has been a joke since i can't seem to get off the couch)  and yelling at my children because i am so desperately miserable that my kids are driving me to want to drink.   

so, i've been trying to do little projects around my home.  something that will make me feel like i'm being useful.  most of it is trivial, but at least it keeps the tears at bay.  

this is what i did today:

yes, it's trivial.  but i like how they turned out.  

*frames are from the second hand store bought for .59 cents
*bags were bought at target for a total of $3.39.