Thursday, December 10, 2009

1 fall + 4 pullings= LOTS-O-PAIN!

SO, elise has this little thing called not brushing her teeth. okay, that's not necessarily true. she does brush her teeth, just not very well. quite horribly to be exact. and add to the fact the she lived for the first 4 years without any fluoride makes for a very very bad combination. she went to the dentist the other day and man did i get a doozy. this is what needs to be done in elise's 8 year old mouth.
1. 4 cavity fills and sealants
2. 1 root canal and cap
3. 4 teeth to be pulled
4. 4 spacers for the pulled teeth

that's a crap load-o-money that i'm dreading to fork out.

but anyway, she had one of the fillings and sealants done on tuesday and today was the big day for the 4 teeth to be pulled. now, the really mean mom in me hoped and prayed that all of this stuff would scare the bagpipers*** out of her so that from now on she would be ever so diligent in cleaning her teeth. man, was i right. today was the most traumatized i've seen my daughter yet. they had to keep her awake with only local pain med's and let me tell you, the look of terror when that needle came at her was priceless. she cried the entire time and well afterwords. when i asked her if she believed me now when i said that if she didn't take care of her teeth that bad things would happen, she vigorously shook her head and mumbled through blood soaked gauze that she would forever clean her teeth the right and proper way. that's my girl. (we'll see how long that lasts.)
***i wanted to put bajeezers there but spell check said that it was spelled wrong. i don't know how that could be since it's not really a real word but one of the options was bagpipers. i thought that was funny, hence why it's there.*****

SO, on to michelle. because we are poor (and now even poorer with the racked up dental bills) i went yesterday to the mall to sell back a huge box of cd's in hopes of getting a few dollars to use toward some bills. since i was carrying the said huge box, i asked elise if she would push wesley in the stroller for me. which she did quite nicely until she accidentally bumped michelle's foot causing her to trip and fall. that alone wouldn't have been a big deal if michelle didn't have her hands in her pockets to ease her fall. instead, she landed face first into the sidewalk cement. ouch (with a cringe) is all i can say about that. blood was EVERYWHERE and lots and lots of crying. i put my box down and checked her out to make sure she didn't lose any teeth or that her nose wasn't broken. she had bit her lower lip which caused a lot of the blood and her nose was bleeding bad as well. after deciding that she wouldn't need medical attention, we proceeded to make our way to the nearest bathroom, which just happened to be chevy's. you can imagine the looks i received as i, carrying a huge box of cd's walked in with a daughter pushing a stroller and a blood soaked, crying little girl trying to hug me while i chastised her to not touch me because "she was covered in blood". no, i don't understand at all. it's not like they were trying to eat their lovely meals or anything. after cleaning michelle up it turned out she scrapped all the skin off her nose and busted it up along with her lip. it just looks awful. luckily, she is incredibly resilient and hasn't mentioned much at all about it since. i'm just grateful that it doesn't hurt her. so, when you see her play an angel tomorrow night in the ward christmas play with a nasty banged up face, you'll have to laugh because that's just funny.

she didn't even realize i was wanting to take a picture of her cuts.
she thought i just wanted a picture of her pretty face.
poor kid. she's still cute though. i guess.